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Shredding For The Summer

How to Get in Shape for Summer

(Without Feeling Miserable)

My Personal Goal

I stay fairly lean all year around (thank you genetics, living in Florida, and years of consistency). but just like you, my life will go through phases or seasons where my focus shifts.

Generally, from November/December until April, I am super busy with client sessions. There also seems to be a ton of family and personal stuff that happens during that time. Because of this, my workouts and nutrition aren’t at the forefront of my focus; keep in mind I still keep up with both because I have built those habits over time, but I’m not going at 100% with them.

As my busy season winds down, I’ll take inventory of how I look, feel, and am performing in the gym, and I make a plan for the summer (the next 3-4 months).

The last couple of years, that plan has been for me to lean out a bit, which looks like this...

I Want to Look Shredded (Not Skinny)

My goal is to keep as much muscle as I can while losing the extra pounds. When my schedule is super packed, I don’t have the bandwidth to do everything I have to do AND track my macros. I rely on my habits and stick relatively close to my diet, but there’s some leeway.

I’ve found that what doesn’t get measured (tracked) doesn’t get managed. So, to get really dialed in (like I am right now), I go back to tracking, at least for long enough to regain my perception of what my macro breakdown throughout the day is going to look like.

For me, I want to make sure I’m getting enough protein and fiber in so I can keep as much muscle as possible AND helps stave off cravings/keeps me from feeling too hungry between meals.

*For those interested, I’m a huge fan of the app Cronometer for tracking your food (I have zero affiliation with them; they just have a great product).

What's My Plan?

My Diet

  1. Keep Protein High: This helps in retaining as much muscle as possible and staying satiated.

  2. Incorporate Veggies/Fruits at Every Meal: Better digestion, less bloat, and again, staying satiated.

  3. Stay Hydrated: This is vital and can be a category on its own.

My Workouts

  1. Weight Training: Very little change here. I still run my program of 4 strength training days/week. This year, I did transition from more of an athletic development style programming to bodybuilding. Weight training still takes priority to keep as much muscle as possible (protein intake + lifting weights = muscle).

  2. Cardio/Conditioning: Addition of some cardio with 2 higher intensity sessions and 2 low-intensity sessions. Too much intensity can hamper recovery and stall progress, as the body fights back. If I can’t get them all in, I make sure I get in my 2 low-intensity sessions.


Proper Recovery: Our bodies don’t adapt without proper recovery and fight back when they get overstressed. Here’s what I focus on:

  1. Better Sleep: Aim for a minimum of 6 ½ hours per night. Ideally, it would be at least 7.

  2. Stress Management: Incorporate some form of meditation and breathing exercises. I also try to get outside for a walk or get out to the pool a couple of times per week to reset.

What About You?

Feel free to steal my strategy; it’s one I use with a good amount of the clients I work with. If nothing else, take a couple of the principles I use and adapt them to fit your life and needs. Outside of the nuts and bolts of my program, also think about these 2 areas:

  • Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute: Get working on your progress now.

  • Don’t Wing It: Have a plan and execute it.

Now get to work on keeping those hard-earned results over the summer (or start now and get better as the summer goes on!).